Monday, January 22, 2018

an interlude...

The current project is not the first Napoleonics project I had worked on, I had worked on another project, painting six battalions of the line. I did not give them regimental designations because at the time, I had no idea what they would be, but later decided that not numbering them was probably a good idea if I were to play tabletop battles with them, and each group of figures could play the role of a different unit at a different time.

I will rebase these because I love Georgo Bases.

Georgo Bases are made by a small business in the UK.  To the best of my knowledge, they are carried by only one single solitary establishment in the US, Games Plus, in Mount Prospect, Illinois. I have used their product for my Ancient armies, my small Thirty Yeats' War Swedish cavalry force, and absolutely will NOT use anything else!

So here is an extremely rare product endorsement, unsolicited and unpaid too! 

And so here are the pictures of my six bataillons of the line, hope you like.

These are HaT figures, Hat set 8042, French Light Infantry, painted as voltigeurs and grenadiers for a line bataillon

The following pictures, taken in admittedly poor lighting are the rest of the division, some HaT figures mixed in with Esci and some Italeri french line infantry, with grenadiers in bearskins coming from the old Esci French Imperial Guard set.

back to the next chapter of my current project...

En Avant!

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